Dynamic components empower content authors to independently draft, publish, and modify pages without relying on developer assistance and are essential to headless CMS architecture. However, Angular’s hierarchical structure and intricate rendering process pose challenges to building and implementing headless platforms in Angular. In this article, we’ll walk through our approach to dynamically rendering components in Angular, with a working Angular application as an example.
Analog (aka AnalogJS) is a meta framework built on top of Angular that simplifies the implementation of SSG and SSR in Angular applications. In this webinar, we demo an Angular application and walk through how to build the highest-performing Angular application that you possibly can. We address questions about hosting, deployment, use cases for SSG/SSR vs. client-side rendering, and the stability of Analog.
Variables are an exciting new feature recently announced by Figma at Config 2023. Learn about the advantages and limitations of variables, how you can integrate them with Tokens Studio, and what it means for design systems.
Design systems have become an essential part of modern digital platforms, providing a centralized framework for creating cohesive, consistent, and scalable omnichannel experiences. Thinking about building a design system? See how Radius can accelerate your journey.
Figma has made a big leap forward and is striving to enable a new kind of designer within the tool: the technical-inclined designer, who is closer to a developer and likes to figure out the logic and set up their designs to scale.
React provides several built-in mechanisms for memoization, which can enhance performance by optimizing component rendering. When used correctly, these techniques allow you to selectively memoize components or their parts to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
Watch our hands-on workshop at React Summit 2023, where we showed how to build a high-performance headless website using Next.js, Sanity, and the JAMstack architecture.
In this blog post, we'll review how a headless CMS can be both a destination when migrating from a monolithic CMS or a springboard and a solid foundation for a successful composable DXP strategy.