Brandon Surya, Staff Product Designer
Fidelia Ho, Editorial Content Lead

Why You Should Use Tokens & Tokens Studio

You’re using tokens and you don’t even know it. One of the goals of a design system is to close the gap between multiple disciplines and especially between design and development. With the features and tools Figma provides us, this gap becomes smaller. But what if I tell you with the proper integration of design tokens, we can make this gap closer than it was ever before. Let’s talk about tokens and how it can level up your design system.

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Liam Gardner, Marketing Co-op Intern

Discover how GitHub Copilot, powered by OpenAI's Codex model, significantly enhances developer productivity and code quality. Dive into its capabilities in code completion, test case generation, and insightful commenting. Boost coding efficiency and fulfillment with this advanced AI-driven tool.

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Yena Lee, Strategist
Abdella Ali, Solutions Architect
Liam Gardner, Marketing Co-op Intern
Fidelia Ho, Editorial Content Lead

A practical guide to using AI to curate product collections at scale, make product recommendation and search algorithms smarter with semantic awareness, and empower teams to deliver seamless customer experiences.

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Yena Lee, Strategist
Liam Gardner, Marketing Co-op Intern
Abdella Ali, Solutions Architect
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Generate nuanced translations for your e-commerce site using AI. Learn how to set up, fine-tune, and integrate AI models seamlessly with your headless CMS for automatic content translation. Uncover practical steps for implementation, from choosing the right language model to architecting efficient translation workflows that align with your budget and goals.

Nancy Du, Associate Director, Digital Strategy
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Going headless does not automatically bestow upon your site better SEO and speed. What it does is give you the freedom, flexibility and control to implement the right strategy for your business. We discuss the technical factors to optimize for SEO and performance in your headless application.

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Lowering location accuracy is not the best way to reduce your app's power usage. Use these configurations for iOS background location services and stop draining your users' batteries.

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Missing Library Usage Finder plugin for Figma; Find all your missing library usage
Michael Mrowetz, Senior Solution Architect, Head of Experience Architecture

Learn how we manage design debt in our file asset library by detaching components and styles from unwanted libraries in Figma. No more messy libraries. Our new Figma plugin "Missing Library Usage Finder" locates and detaches components, while "Library Style Detail Extractor" identifies styles and components linked to an unwanted library for easy removal. Simplify your design system management with these tools.

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