Figma has made a big leap forward and is striving to enable a new kind of designer within the tool: the technical-inclined designer, who is closer to a developer and likes to figure out the logic and set up their designs to scale.
React provides several built-in mechanisms for memoization, which can enhance performance by optimizing component rendering. When used correctly, these techniques allow you to selectively memoize components or their parts to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
Watch our hands-on workshop at React Summit 2023, where we showed how to build a high-performance headless website using Next.js, Sanity, and the JAMstack architecture.
In this blog post, we'll review how a headless CMS can be both a destination when migrating from a monolithic CMS or a springboard and a solid foundation for a successful composable DXP strategy.
Most headless CMS platforms require authors to edit their content using a structured interface. Stackbit revolutionizes content management by providing an editing experience in a live preview environment. Along with a wide variety of exciting features, like a Git-based CMS workflow and integrations with tools like Storybook and Cloudinary, Stackbit transforms the CMS workflow for content authors and developers alike.
In the final article of our four-part series, "The Value Pattern: Migrating to Headless CMS with Confidence," we discuss best practices and potential pitfalls to implementing the value pattern.
Successfully migrating from a traditional CMS to a headless one using the Value Pattern requires lean planning and strategy. In part three of our four-part series, "The Value Pattern: Migrating to Headless CMS with Confidence," we introduce a step-by-step roadmap to navigate your journey smoothly and efficiently.
In the second article of our four-part series, "The Value Pattern: Migrating to Headless CMS with Confidence," we discuss the benefits of adopting the value pattern approach and use cases to see it in action.