Brandon Surya, Staff Product Designer
Fidelia Ho, Editorial Content Lead

Why You Should Use Tokens & Tokens Studio

You’re using tokens and you don’t even know it. One of the goals of a design system is to close the gap between multiple disciplines and especially between design and development. With the features and tools Figma provides us, this gap becomes smaller. But what if I tell you with the proper integration of design tokens, we can make this gap closer than it was ever before. Let’s talk about tokens and how it can level up your design system.

Nathan Kanigsberg, Software Developer

Variables are an exciting new feature recently announced by Figma at Config 2023. Learn about the advantages and limitations of variables, how you can integrate them with Tokens Studio, and what it means for design systems.

figma design tokens collage
Pavel Ivanov, Senior Software Developer

This article discusses developing and implementing design system components using Tokens Studio (formerly Figma Tokens), and how to expose tokens to design system consumers so they can use them as well.


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