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Robyn Dalgeish, Software Developer
Fidelia Ho, Editorial Content Lead

In this webinar, our solution architect, Robyn Dalgleish, takes you through the process of building a high-performing Angular app. During this session, Robyn explores key topics, including: rendering strategies to achieve optimal speed; introducing a meta-framework called Analog; dynamic component rendering and routing in Angular; and harnessing the power of Contentful headless CMS.

Angular logo and web components
David O'Riley, Developer

Dynamic components empower content authors to independently draft, publish, and modify pages without relying on developer assistance and are essential to headless CMS architecture. However, Angular’s hierarchical structure and intricate rendering process pose challenges to building and implementing headless platforms in Angular. In this article, we’ll walk through our approach to dynamically rendering components in Angular, with a working Angular application as an example.

Bertrand Karerangabo, Chief Strategy Officer
Robyn Dalgeish, Software Developer

Analog (aka AnalogJS) is a meta framework built on top of Angular that simplifies the implementation of SSG and SSR in Angular applications. In this webinar, we demo an Angular application and walk through how to build the highest-performing Angular application that you possibly can. We address questions about hosting, deployment, use cases for SSG/SSR vs. client-side rendering, and the stability of Analog.

angular logo with a woman sitting on the right holding her phone and looking to her right with a laptop in front of her
Stephanie Zeng, Software Architect

In this article, we will take a deeper dive and focus on the technical details around Angular schematics.

angular image
Spencer Kyonka, Software Developer
Adam Sullovey, Solutions Architect
Fidelia Ho, Editorial Content Lead

Angular 17 was released on November 8, 2023, introducing several new features and enhancements, such as SSR, View Transitions API, support for TypeScript 5.2 and more. These enhancements are set to significantly enhance the Angular development experience and provide more efficient, flexible and performant solutions. The updates are outlined in the sections below.

woman looking at laptop with Angular logo next to her and a photo of two men working at a computer
Stephanie Zeng, Software Architect

In this article, we'll explore practical use cases of leveraging Angular schematics to enhance the developer experience for both your team and developers who adopt your design system.