Get to know Ranglers in our new employee spotlight series on our blog. This series will give you a glimpse into the lives and experiences of our team members. You'll learn about their roles, how they got started in their careers, and their unique perspectives on working at Rangle.
With design tokens, you can quickly and easily change the look and feel of websites and applications by simply updating values in one central location.
We’re living in a digital-first reality, and more fintech companies are disrupting the banking and financial services sector with technology, leaving traditional banks struggling to keep up.
Conway’s Law states, “Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure.” Many of us find this to be true from personal experience, and so do various scientific publications.
As digital competition accelerates, the winners are those that deliver scaled experiences faster and more efficiently. While there are no easy answers, doing more with less is possible with Design Systems. To learn how, try our Design System ROI Calculator. Then read our Design System Business Case.
This article isn’t going to be about the ideal team size or the problems with Agile at scale, and there are many of them. The issue is more profound. It's about how Agile’s triumph over Waterfall was indeed a pyrrhic victory, and in wanting to replace Waterfall, it ended up becoming what it was fighting.
At our third Software as a Medical Device meetup, Danielle Dorfman Faruq (Regulatory & Quality Director at Kintsugi) shared learnings and tips on how to get your SaMD in the hands of real users faster, while meeting regulatory requirements.
React Hooks were first introduced in React 16.8 at React Conf 2018. Since then, they have become very popular for several reasons. Firstly, with Hooks, you can extract stateful logic from a component so it can be independently tested and reused. Hooks allow you to reuse stateful logic without changing your component hierarchy, making it easy to share. Secondly, you can use Hooks to split components into smaller functions (e.g. setting up a subscription, fetching data, etc.). Lastly, Hooks let you use more of React’s features without classes.