Jan Scholz

When we think automation, we think digitization. But ironically, the digitization of text is not enough to automate the tasks we care about. It might seem simple to extract information from web pages, PDF forms, emails, and word documents, because they can be easily read by a computer. However, the unstructured nature of most text documents effectively locks their information away from straightforward automatic processing.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. However, AI is often discussed in theory or in a futuristic manner which can make it difficult to understand. So, how can AI be applied in a practical way to help your organization innovate right now? In this post (and podcast) we’ll dive in and demystify AI to help you better understand how it can be applied to your business.

Going by how companies market themselves and what the media reports, it seems Artificial Intelligence is everywhere these days. However, despite the hype, there is very little actual use of AI in production today. Sure, there are companies such as Google and Amazon that use AI in their products to assist you in writing your email replies or recommending products you might be interested in. However, most people still go through their entire day without getting help from or delegating work to an AI. Why is that? Where are all the AIs we keeping hearing about?

In 2019 we are beginning to see trends such as Browser-Based Artificial Intelligence with TensorFlow.js taking over the landscape. This is part of a larger movement that will continue as AI solutions become less dependent on the backend-heavy distributed cloud-based infrastructure which was originally developed for big data applications.

Are you a web developer interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Want to easily build some sweet AI apps entirely in JavaScript that run anywhere, without the headache of tedious installs, hosting on cloud services, or working with Python? Then TensorFlow.js is for you!

Does this problem sound familiar to you? You save a Word document as 'v1.doc', then make some changes and save the new version as 'v2.doc'. A colleague might email back some changes, then rename that document to 'v2John.doc' destroying the whole idea of a well-defined genealogy of documents. As the deadline approaches you save the document as 'final.doc', dreading the inevitable, ever-growing 'finalfinal...' as hectic last minute changes are made.

Software testing is expensive. Did you know it can amount to as much as 25% of total project costs?