
I worked in retail for a long time. A really long time. I loved working retail and still love retail. This doesn’t just mean that I love shopping (which I do). For me, the draw of retail was the connection to people and services while on the front lines. This connection remains my favorite part of my job, even though I now work in a marketing role.

Are you a web developer interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Want to easily build some sweet AI apps entirely in JavaScript that run anywhere, without the headache of tedious installs, hosting on cloud services, or working with Python? Then TensorFlow.js is for you!

The idea of micro frontends is all the rage right now. It's been gaining traction over the years, and we’ve noticed more clients asking us about it. Although it’s an incredible solution for a lot of use cases, it can be cumbersome if your organization’s expectations are not properly set. Here are five considerations to help you determine if the micro frontend idea is right for your needs.

Progressive web apps can now be installed on Windows, Android, iOS, Chrome OS, and soon on macOS. Is your web app ready?

So you've just written this super awesome directive for Angular that does all the things and has all the tests. It's been committed, pushed and you've opened a Pull Request! All done! Awesome! High five! Woo!

Being a designer at Rangle has allowed me to work on projects spanning a variety of sizes, scopes, and industries. Through working on these projects, I’ve encountered different approaches when it comes to Visual Design Quality Assurance (I'll refer to it as Design QA throughout the rest of the article).

For fans of Redux and Typescript like myself, the release of Redux 4 was a highly anticipated event, and it did not disappoint. The new enhanced typing definitions help to provide a nice and strongly typed Redux setup, minimizing the number of runtime errors. This article will give you a different perspective on the many ways you can structure the app.

When it comes to unit testing, business logic is considered the most valuable area of your code to test because if there is an error, heads will roll 😵. This was apparent on a React Native project I recently worked on that had plenty of unit tests for the Redux part of the app - reducers, sagas, and selectors, but the overall code coverage was not great 🤔. There was a lot of presentation logic and components that were not covered. So when I joined, the goal was to bring the overall coverage up by unit testing 👨🏼💻the remaining code.