Rick Poulin

For many scale-up companies, digitizing their business model has become the top focus in the one year since COVID-19 created the biggest disruption to our economy of the century. These new challenges required new ways of thinking and doing, and a reassessment of whether their digital experiences were serving customer needs in optimal ways.

Healthcare is one of the most heavily-regulated industries in the world—and with good reason. Regulatory and compliance standards ensure the ongoing health and safety of patients across the globe.

Your design system is a living artifact. Like a spoken language, it will evolve over time as it is used by new groups—retaining its basic structure, but with new additions spurred by the speakers themselves.

A design system is a set of tools, processes, guidelines and philosophies that combine to drive how a team designs a product. The purpose of a design system is to not only systematize product development, but to also establish the processes that teams use to design, develop, test and more. As a tool, it sets the foundation for your digital experiences and products to look and feel consistent to users, increase efficiency and quality for your teams, and protect your brand across all your touchpoints in the market.