Are you a React developer looking to try out Angular development? Curious about how much of your knowledge is transferable? While Angular and React do have many differences, this post will show that there are some patterns and similarities that translate between the two frameworks. You might actually know more Angular already thank you think you do.
This past weekend, my family and I relocated to Amsterdam for the opening of Rangle's first European office. When we left our home in Toronto, friends and family said farewell and told us to post lots of photos and send updates to them back home.
When we think automation, we think digitization. But ironically, the digitization of text is not enough to automate the tasks we care about. It might seem simple to extract information from web pages, PDF forms, emails, and word documents, because they can be easily read by a computer. However, the unstructured nature of most text documents effectively locks their information away from straightforward automatic processing.
If we don’t say it enough, here it is again: Rangle is all about community. Meetups, tech conferences, workshops, festivals, you name it. If we can learn, share, or build relationships, we’ll be there. And most of the time, as Rangle’s Community Manager, so am I.
I’ve seen it throughout my career - you sit in a meeting room with technical and non-technical folks, talking about the next major deliverable or a business objective. The technical folks are either pushing back on the magnitude of the task or rewriting systems that seemed to be functioning so well until now, right?
As a developer, I’ve noticed ever since starting out that a lot of us are intimidated by building accessible apps. The fact of the matter is, it doesn’t have to (and shouldn’t) be that way. Accessibility is just like building 🏗 any other feature — and there needs to be greater awareness around this. 🤯
Hooks landed in React a few months ago, and there has been a lot of excitement around them in terms of figuring out how to best use them, best practices, and how they map to current concepts in React and the lifecycle.
If you know that vehicle does have the property turnSteeringWheel, you can quickly solve this issue by casting vehicle as any.