Yuri Takhteyev

Since its early days, Rangle has always aimed to be actively engaged with the developer community both globally and locally here in Toronto, a city with the fastest growing tech-job market today. Having established the company as a leader in front end software development, we’ve recently been working on expanding into other areas such as machine learning. Now with more local resources to draw on than ever before, we want to work with the community to help clients around the world to realize Toronto’s excellence in this area.

Last January we had the first meeting of our brand new VueJS Toronto Meetup. It was well attended – we had about 150 people. It was clear that the Toronto developer community was excited about Vue. We were so happy with the turnout, we started thinking what else we could do. So, we invited Vue’s creator Evan You to come to Toronto!

As the Angular team is making progress towards a “beta” version of Angular 2, it’s time to think seriously about your transition plan. At Rangle.io we have been looking into this topic for a few months now and would like to start sharing what we’ve come up with.

Fill in the missing line of the following code that implements a function returning the next Fibonacci number every time it's called.

The function getCount() defined below is supposed to return the next number every time it's called, starting with 1. (So, the first call would return 1, the next call would return 2, the next would return 3, and so on.)

Please post the answer on JSFiddle or similar service, and then post a link to your answer here. You can also post comments below or email Rangle.io's CTO, Yuri@rangle.io, if you wish to share further ideas.

We recently released our JavaScript Development Guidelines. This post explains how and why we developed them.

Last week eight members of our team spent three days at ng-conf where we were a Platinum Sponsor this year. Nick and I gave a talk at the Hack Night on Wednesday which seems to have resonated with a lot of people.